Nice game, gets pretty hard later on though. And raneman1 0.03. Beat that one!
Nice game, gets pretty hard later on though. And raneman1 0.03. Beat that one!
Your only 12? That was brilliant! Really cool game. The only problem is that the music doesn't last all the way through. That easy to solve though. Just create a movie clip (it doesn't matter what), and put it out to out side out the white box, then put the song in it. Make sure you have that clip on every frame, Then your music will loop round and you wont get that annoying scilence.
I can honestly say I liked it.
I did quite like this game it was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately that was only about 30 seconds. Thats the first problem. I said it lasted 30 secs, and 29 of those were finding the next area. Once you clear one place there is no indication of where to go next just forcing you to run all the way around the edge trying to find a way onward. A flashing arrow once you kill them all or some kind of indication would be nice. Also the areas are a bit flat, and the obsticles are just lines. Plus, the zombies can walk right through them. The music worked perfectly for the game, but what would be nice is more sounds like gunshots or zombie groans.
All in all I liked it, just make it longer, make the areas less flat and put in some sounds. A stoey would also be good but is not nessecary with a game like this.
Aww, I fell for this cause I'm an idiot.
Graphics:5-So, so...
Style:7- Never seen another game like it.
Sound:5-It was there but I wasnt listening. Meh, I'll give ya a 5.
Interactivity:10-Red light... Red light...
Humour:10-So, so funny.
1: Better visuals, there wasnt much to look at.
2: If I go blind, I'm coming after you with a sledgehammer.
Well, that pretty much sums it up, funny as hell.
Pork pie is righteous! So is cheese, blu tac and Derbyshire (mostly)!
Age 34, Male
Joined on 3/14/07